Table of Contents


The demodulation of an FM-signal is accomplished by differentiating the angle of the received signal which is done here by a delayline demodulator. The transfer-function of a differentiator is proportional to f and therefore the trebles contain an audible amount of noise if the signal has been transmitted linear. Therefore the transmitted signal gets a so called pre-emphasis which boosts the trebles and the received signal has to be processed with the complementary deemphasis to perceive a better SNR of the received signal.


The curve of the analog transfer function can be seen in the bode-diagram described as analog pre-emphasis. It can be synthesized of a parallel circuit of a P-element and a D-element (differentiator). The transfer function of a D-element in general ist . If a crossing point at the frequecy of is desired, the transfer function has to be .
Instead of a cutoff-frequency the pre-emphasis is specified as a time constant with in Europe. In America which means that the frequency boosts starts at lower frequencies. The corresponding cutoff frequency
In the bode-diagram results in a horizontal line at 0 dB and is a line with a slope of 20 dB/Decade with an appropriate 0 dB crossing. Therefore the parallel circuit can be written as . At the cutoff-frequency the magnitude of the signal is
The digital implementation is quite straight forward by replacing the analog D-element with a digital differentiator. The difference equation of such an element is .
Again the slope has to be adjusted by the factor .
The difference between an analog and a digital pre-emphasis can be seen in the bode-diagram.


The transfer function of the difference equation of the pre-emphasis can be obtained by a z-transformation.
The de-emphasis has the complementary transfer-function
The frequency response can be obtained by replacing z by which leads to the Fourier transform of the signal. The bodeplot command in Matlab is able to draw bode-diagrams of analog and digital transfer functions, therefore this step will be skipped.


%% Design of digital pre- and de-emphasis filter for an FM-radio
% Declarations
fc=1/(2*pi*50e-6); %tau=50µs in Europe
% transfer functions of analog and digital filters
pre_analog=tf([1/(2*pi*fc) 1], 1,'variable','s');
pre_digital=tf([1+k -k],[1 0],1/fs,'variable','z^-1')
pre_digital = 13 - 12 z^-1 Sample time: 4.1667e-06 seconds Discrete-time transfer function.
de_digital=tf([1 0],[1+k -k],1/fs,'variable','z^-1')
de_digital = 1 ------------ 13 - 12 z^-1 Sample time: 4.1667e-06 seconds Discrete-time transfer function.
% Bode-Diagram of all filters in comparison
grid on
legend('analog pre-emphasis','digital pre-emphasis','digital de-emphasis','digital pre and de');